Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010



Silat merupaka salah satu beladiri tertua di Indonesia. Tercatat kerajaan seperti Sriwijaya dan Majapahit kala itu memiliki bala tentara yang sangat cakap dalam berperang dan ahli dalam beladiri sehingga bisa memiliki wilayah kekuasaan yang sangat luas pada jamannya.

Demikian pula dengan kerajaan Sunda Pajajaran yang tercatat dalam sejarah, semua pengiring putri Pajajaran bertempur sampai darah penghabisan dengan menggunakan paling tidak 7 jurus silat yang dikuasai para pasukan Pajajaran kala pertempuran Bubat terjadi.

Pencak Silat atau Silat (berkelahi dengan menggunakan teknik pertahanan diri) ialah seni beladiri Asia yang berakar dari budaya Melayu. Seni beladiri ini secara luas dikenal di Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei dan Singapura, tapi bisa ditemukan juga dalam berbagai variasi diberbagai negara sesuai dengan pengyebaran suku Melayu, seperti di Filipina Selatan dan Thailand Selatan.


Silat sebagai olahraga

Sebagai salah satu cabang olahraga pada umumnya dan beladiri khususnya, beladiri silat merupakan rangkaian dari gerakan-gerakan badan menurut sistem dan metoda tertentu. Silat sebagai slah satu alat berolahraga memiliki cara-cara khusus dalam membina kesehatan jasmani. Dengan melakukan teknik tertentu, selain gerakan pemanasan pada umumnya yang ada pada tiap cabang olahraga, silat melatih otot-otot. Demikian pula dengan cara tertentu, silat melatih Anda menjadi lebih peka terhadap menjadi lebih peka pendengaran dan dengan lebih awas penglihatan, bila dibanding dengan cabang olahraga lain.

Silat sebagai Seni Beladiri Yang Bermutu

Pengertian seni beladiri disini jangan diasosiasikan dengan seni tari. Walaupun antara keduanya ada persamaan , yakni sama-sama mengandung unsur keindahan gerak dari seluruh tubuh yang harmonis. Kesenian itu menggugah kehalusan dan kepekaan jiwa seseorang.

Lalu dimanakah letak seninya Silat? Dalam silat yang seni bukan saja karena segi miripnya kepada tarian (dengan adanya kembangan), akan tetapidilihat dari segi harmonisnya gerakan-gerakan silat itu sendiri. Keselarasan gerakan tubuh dan anggota tubuh pesilat yang menyentuh hati si penonton, menimbulkan rasa kagum orang memandang.

Hl ini dapat dilihat pada rangkaian gerakan yang disebut “jurus” dalam Pencak Silat sebagaimana “Kata” dalam Karate. Alam pencak silat, baik yang berasal dari Jawa Barat (Ibingan), Jawa Tengah maupun dari tanah Minang, tampak adanya penggabungan seni tari daerah masing-masing dengan tipu-tipu Pencak Silat, sehingga kita lihat “Kembangan” atau “Ibingan” tadi agak mirip dengan tarian-tarian daerah tersebut diatas seperti tari “Din-Din Ba’Din Din” dimana gerakan-gerakannya merupakan saduran dari gerakan silat. Konon penyamaran silat kedalam seni tari daerah, merupakan suatu upaya para Pandeka dijaman Penjajahan untuk melestarikan beladiri silat yang diwarisi dari para guru dan leluhurnya.

Silat Sebagai Alat Bela Diri

Silat sebagai alat beladiri merupakan pengetahuan yang bermutu tinggi. Silat tidak terbatas, baik dalam melakukan serangan, maupun tangkisan. Dari kepala, bahu, siku, lengan, tapak tangan, jari tangan, punggung, pinggang, pantat, paha, lutut, tulang kering, mta kaki, tumit, jari kaki semuanya mendapat jatah latihan secara khusus. Dari ujung kepala sampai dengan ujung kaki dapat digunakan sebagai senjata terdekat dan ampuh. Menurut para ahli, air liur dan rambut pun bisa dipakai sebagai alat beladiri yang efektif.

Silat berusaha memnuhi tuntutan: “Menyerang semaksimal mungkin dengan resiko sekecil mungkin bagi diri sendiri”. Singkatnya dengan apa yang ada bisa kita gunakan untuk membela diri secara praktis dan efektif.

Silat efektif dalam hal ini adalah silat tarung dimana unsur kembangan dikesampingkan sehingga betul-betul yang tersisa adalah gerakan efektif dan berbahaya.

Silat Sebagai Alat Untuk Belajar Menguasai Diri.

Umumnya, ilmu beladiri yang baik, mendidik murid-muridnya sanggup mnguasai diri, menguasai emosinya. Demikian pula silat. Tak heran kita membaca atau mendengar ungkapan “Kalahkan dulu dirimu, sebelum mengalahkan orang lain” Semua itu menunjukkan pentingnya belajar menguasai diri. Pesilat dilarang untuk bertindak sewenang-wenang. Secara bertahap ia dilatih menguasai hawa nafsunya, karena memang yang paling sulit adalah bagaimana mengajar seseorang mampu menguasai dirinya.

Silat sebagai Alat Mengasah Kecerdasan

Disekolah dan Lembaga Akademisi kita diajarkan untuk berhitung, berpikir kritis dan berlatih untuk berpikir secara sistematis. Dalam belajar Silat kita juga diajar untuk berpikir cepat , kritis dan dinamis. Tetapi dengan cara yang khas silat. Kita harus memperhitungkan secara matang gerak-gerik lawan dan menjawab serangan lawan dengan reaksi yang cepat dan tepat. Sebab bila kita terlambat sedikit saja, akan fatal akibatnya bagi kita.

(sumber; harian pagi “Padek”, 27 Juni 2010)

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

History of Pencak Silat

Pencak Silat as part of the culture of the Indonesian nation evolved in line with the history of Indonesian society. With a variety of geographical and ethnological as well as the situation changes over time experienced by the people of Indonesia, Pencak Silat is formed by the circumstances. Pencak Silat Now we know the shape and style of its diverse, yet have the same aspects. Pencak Silat is the personality elements of the Indonesian people who owned the results of cultivation are hereditary. Until now there is no script or himmpunan on the history of Indonesian people are defending themselves naturally prepared and reliable as well as the source for a more orderly development. Only hereditary and personal or group of background and history of spoken core self-defense. Properties formed by the closure because the colonial period in the past an obstacle in the development where we now are demanding openness and broader pemassalan. The history of Pencak Silat is a glimpse can be divided in the period:

a. Developments before the Dutch colonial era
b. Developments in the Dutch colonial era
c. Growth in the Japanese colonial era
d. Developments at the time of independence

a. Developments in the days before the Dutch colonization

Our ancestors have had a high civilization, so it can develop into an advanced family of nations. The regions and islands are inhabited berkembnag into society with good governance and an orderly life. Good self-defense in the era which primarily based on high personal ability, is the basis of self-defense systems, both in dealing with the struggle of life as well as in the defense group.

Self-defense experts, and warriors get a high place in society. So did the masters who make yagn powerful personal weapons such as kris, spears and special weapons. Powerful forces in the era of Sriwijaya and Majapahit and other kingdoms in those days consisted of soldiers who have individual self-defense skills is high. Pemukupan soul soldiering and kesatriaan always given for excellence in the science of self-defense. To be a soldier or warrior diperulan terms and in-depth training under the guidance of a teacher. During the development of Islamic religious sciences fostered self-defense with spiritual teachings. So that the bases of Islam is known for his martial science altitude. Clearly, since the Dutch colonial era before we have had a system of self-defense in accordance with the nature and innate Indonesian nation.

b. The development of Pencak Silat in Dutch colonial times

A foreign government in power in a country seldom give attention to the view of life that governed the nation. Belandan government does not provide development opportunities or self-defense Pencak Silat National, because it is deemed harmful to the continuity of colonization. Prohibition to practice martial held even a ban on association and assembly. So that the development of life or self-defense Pencak Silat Indonesian people who had strong roots in their lives lose their footing. Only by stealth and by small groups of Pencak Silat is maintained. The opportunities which allowed only the development of art or art solely still used in some areas, which leads to a performance or ceremony only. Essence of the soul and spirit of self-defense can not fully developed. Effect of an emphasis on the Dutch colonial era was a lot of color development for the period thereafter Pencak Silat.

c. Pencak Silat developments on the Japanese occupation

Japanese politics of different nations occupied by the Dutch political. Against the National Pencak Silat as a science driven and developed for the benefit Japan itself, with fomenting the spirit of defense against an ally. Everywhere, at the instigation of Shimitsu held power flow convergence Pencak Silat. Founded in unison across Java Pencak Silat movements are regulated by the Government. In Jakarta at that time have been created by the builder of a olarhaga based Pencak Silat Pencak Silat, which is proposed for use as a sports movement in every morning in schools. The proposal was rejected by Shimitsu for fear will urge Taysho, Japan. Even if Japan gives us an opportunity to revive elements of the greatness of our nation's heritage, the aim is to use the spirit which is expected to flare again in the interest of Japan itself is not for our national interests.

However, we admit, there are also benefits that we derive from that era. We are beginning to recognize again will restore science requirement Pencak Silat at the place formerly occupied in our society.

d. The development of Pencak Silat in the Age of Independence

Although in Pencak Silat Dutch colonial period was not given a place to grow, but there are still many young people who learn and explore through Pencak Silat teachers, or hereditary in the family environment. Soul and spirit of national revival since Budi Utomo was established to find the elements of cultural heritage that can be developed as a national identity. Through the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Pencak Silat Association then on May 18, 1948 in Surakarta was formed, chaired by Mr IPSI. Wongsonegoro.

The main program in addition to uniting the streams and Pencak Silat in Indonesia, IPSI program submitted to the Government to incorporate the lessons of Pencak Silat in schools.

Businesses that have been pioneered in the early period of stewardship in the fifties, which was then less attention, starting with the holding of a seminar initiated Pencak Silat by the Government in 1973 in Tugu, Bogor. In the inaugural seminar of this reason is the term for self-defense art bagnsa Indonesia under the name "Pencak Silat" which is a compound word. In the past, not all areas in Indonesia using the term Pencak Silat. In some areas in Java commonly used name, while in Sumatra Pencak Silat people call. Medium pencak own words may have special meaning as well as the word silat.

Pencak, can have a basic understanding of martial arts movement, which is bound by rules and used in the study, practice and performance.

Silat, a martial has the sense of movement is perfect, which is based on the pure spirituality of pure, to the safety of self or the common welfare, avoid being / mankind from self-defense or disaster. Nowadays the term martial arts contain elements of sports, arts, martial arts and mysticism. Definition of martial arts ever made more PB. IPSI together BAKIN year 1975 are as follows:

"Pencak Silat Indonesia is the result of human culture to defend / preserve the existence (independence) and integrity (manunggalnya) on the environment / natural surroundings to achieve harmony of life in order to increase faith and piety to God Almighty.

Pencak Silat as a spiritual teachings

Pencak Silat are generally taught personal self-knowledge as human beings or any living thing pecaya higher power is God Almighty. Usually, Pencak Silat as a spiritual teachings / psychotherapy given to students who have advanced in their studies Silatnya Pencak. The goal is to improve the manners of the student or magnanimity. Pencak Silat eventually have to realize the goal of harmony / balance / harmony / natural surrounding to increase faith and piety to God Almighty, to fill the Indonesian National Development in realizing that the whole Indonesian Pancasila.

Pencak Silat as art

The special feature of Pencak Silat is the art that in certain areas there is a unique drum accompaniment. At this point there are artistic rules of motion and rhythm that is a specific depth (skill). Pencak Silat as an art must comply with the provisions, harmony, balance, harmony between wirama, wirasa and wiraga.

In some areas of Indonesia Pencak Silat is shown almost exclusively as the art of dance, which is nothing like as sports or martial arts. For example serampang twelve dance in North Sumatra, West Sumatra Randai dance and Tap dance Tilu in West Java. The dancers are able to demonstrate that dance as an effective martial movement, and efficiently to ensure personal safety.

Pencak Silat as a general sports

Although the elements as well as its aspects contained in Pencak Silat can not be broken apart, but guidance on pathways each can be done. On review from the aspect of Pencak Silat sport would have certain elements in accordance with the purpose of restriction of movement and the business can meet the physical and spiritual functions. Pencak Silat movements can be done by men or women, children and parents / adults, as individuals / groups.

Attempts to develop sports elements contained in Pencak Silat as a sport in its intensity generally divided into

a. Recreational Sports
b. Sports achievements
c. Mass Sports

In Pencak Silat seminar in Tugu, Bogor in 1973, the Government along with sports coaches and Pencak Silat has been discussed and concluded the papers:

1. Determining the term used for Pencak Silat
2. Inclusion of Pencak Silat as a curriculum in educational institutions
3. Pencak Silat teaching methods in schools
4. Energy procurement adviser / teacher for Pencak Silat schools
5. Guidance teachers organizations and activities Pencak Silat Pencak Silat in the school environment
6. Instilling passion and mobilize and Pencak Silat memassalkan among students.

As a follow up of these thoughts and at the instigation of President Suharto, mass sports programs are worked out beforehand physical refreshment, which has resulted Morning Gymnastics program Indonesia (SPI).

Pencak Silat as a sport performance (sports games)

Development of Pencak Silat as a sport & game (Championships) have been initiated since 1969, through experiments with a game at the regions and at the central level. In PON VIII in 1973 in Jakarta has competed for the first time, which constitute the first National Championships as well. Problems to overcome is the number of flow and the existence of elements that are not sports that have been so seep among Pencak Silat. With the consciousness of the Pencak Silat warriors and supervisors as well as the ongoing efforts of this program and now sports an essential part of the coaching Pencak Silat in general. Pencak Silat While this has been disseminated in the countries Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg, French, English, Danish, West Germany, Suriname, United States, Australia, New Zealand.

Pencak Silat training program

Pencak Silat as a national culture of Indonesia has a wide variety of typical maisng respective regions, the number of college / school in every corner of the ground water is estimated as many as 820 colleges / flow.

Therefore felt the need for systematic coaching to preserve the heritage of our ancestors. All the more so after Kungfu into IPSI, at the instigation of the Government based on a better consideration of Kungfu is in making it easier IPSI in conducting surveillance and control to it, as well as nationalized.

Who has pioneered the standardization of production, just for the basic stance for the special needs of sports and martial arts. While its development has been submitted kepad any existing universities. Guidance systems used by the IPSI there is any aspect which made the development path, so that the coaching line Pencak Silat include:

1. Line art coaching
2. Line sports coaching
3. Line coaching martial
4. Line psychotherapy coaching

The fourth line was processed, with filter and socio-cultural machinery, namely Pancasila.

? Symbol Meaning IPSI

Basic Color White: means saint in charitable deeds

Color Red: It means bold in the truth

Green Color: means serenity in the face of everything that led to stability
soul, because it was always faithful and to God the Almighty bertauhid Esar
by wisdom and calm

Color Yellow: means that the IPSI priority to character and physical and spiritual welfare
to its triumph in the homeland

Forms Shielding Aspects of Five: It means that the IPSI berasaskan idiil basis of Pancasila, and aims
Pancasila true human form

Garuda-colored wings

Berototkan yellow red: mean power of the Indonesian people who bersendikan purity, and keluruhan
dynamics, wing 18 sheets, feather sheets 5 sheets + 4 + 8 pieces means dates
IPSI was established May 18, 1948. 18 wing pieces, consisting of 17 +1 means
IPSI with the spirit of the Proclamation of Independence berssatu build state

String of five circles: IPSI symbolize that bond through sports is a fairy
between the various streams of humanity by holding fast to the principle of kinship,
brotherhood and kegotong royongan

Ties a red ribbon

White: that IPSI is a unifying bond of the various flow Pencak
Silat, which is the result of a strong cultural flavor because it is based on
nation, language and landless Indonesian water.

White hand drawing

Basic green in: illustrates that IPSI assist countries in the field of resilience
through the development of national mental / physical order cadres personality IPSI
national as well as able-bodied, strong and sturdy

Versi PB IPSI,taken from

Martial Art Silat of Natal



We beg forgiveness in advance to the elders and Ninik Mamak Natal upon us, our family ventured to write a script about this Christmas Silat, this script is a concept where the latter we would expect the elders and Ninik Mamak pleased to give guidance, instructions and information to us in order to improve the draft manuscript.

As for who encouraged us to create a draft of this manuscript, it is our desire to participate as one of his children and grandchildren descended from the Natal and never learn the basic movements of the Father Natal Silat Syofyan Mufti late in the wilderness of West Sumatra.

Then remember and feel, that this Christmas Silat as one of the cultural assets that are quite rare sertaIlmu legacy of public figures Ancestors Christmas, would need to be maintained and preserved.

Besides, the existence of our concerns, the possibility was not much longer and Ninik Mamak elders who still controlled the history and rules are complete and pure for this Natal silat. So in our opinion in order to maintain the presence and integrity of this heritage asset should be held .

Armed with ever learn Silat basic movements this basic knowledge of Natal Silat, and thanks to the help and information from Mr Nadirsyah Glr pentunjuk. St. Sutan Iskandar and Mr Sharif in Jakarta, we tried to develop a script about this Natali Silat with hope someday will be refined after receiving the donation information, further instructions from the elders and who are still mastering Ninik Mamak / Silat know about this Natal Silat, so the concept of the script This will be a full script, chances are this script can be one of Silat script information about Natal and as a cultural asset as well as science kenuragaan (martial arts) Natal special, will in future be studied by the Young Citizens of Natal's.

A. BRIEF Origins Silat Natal

1. Elders (Guru Besar) Silat Natal is known is Mr. Sech Ali, he was in a major helper dati Sech Tuanku Abdul Rauf who is the younger brother of Tuanku Abdul Fatah Sech, he was a major figure in the development of Islam in the region, especially in Natal island, South Tapanuli in general .

2. Silat Natal grow in the community of Natal island and the surrounding area (Batahan, Kotanopan, Sipirok, District Court, Water Bangis, P. Tello), linked to the Islamic religion by developing missions Sech Tuanku Abdul Fatah who then forwarded by the Tuanku Abdul Ranuf and continued Sech by Sech Tuanku Abdul Malik.

3. Mr. Sech Ali reduce / teach Silat is internally this Christmas (special to relatives, prospective guru2 Islam/pimpinan2 Religion community) that transmit the religion of Islam and fought against Dutch colonial rule and injustice in Natal and the surrounding area.

4. Center Development of Silat Natal that presented by Mr. Sech Ali, is the area taluak Mambang at Natal Islands is now called the New Peace Village, formerly known as Kampong Sinunukan / Sumu. He had two main beneficiaries of this Christmas Silat, which is known as Banyu UTIAH AMEN and UTIH LAJIN, Utiah Lajin this is what is known as NAIRAHKMAT because he has expertise in Silat Christmas (never paralyze buffalo) who was a rampage that are threatening public safety by using the motion Silat Christmas without the use of weapons).

B. About Silat Natal

1. Christmas Silat is derived from elements of natural factors, aspirations, dreams and hunches, then basically it is like Christmas Silat movement Tagak Kukuah dibatu reefs, Manangkok diharimau, Malibeh Dibuayo, Manggalatiak diudang lying, mananduak dikabau.

2. Philosophy of Silat Christmas

o Dimano tumbuah, disitulah disinagi (where the event something happens, when it was also the finish)

o Nan kanai jadi sipi, nan sipi jadi lapeh (a target of attack should be a landslide, becoming not affected by landslide and next avoid altogether)

o Sipasan anak-baranak, mati ciek hiduik duo, mati tigo hiduik limo, (denote it a sustainable movement that rose / the continuity).

Of the three elements that reflect the philosophy and principles of Silat siafat that Christmas and its meaning is contained in, ie it is a good silat martial arts car in a fight with movement techniques in a systematic without weapon (bare hands). the motion mechanism of this would develop constantly and continuously and sometimes act as shock movement, as well as crippling / deadly attacks opponent (just to defend them selves ) .-

Specifications Silat movement based on the three elements of the Natal's philosophy and principles of movement, as already explained above, where the martial art movements will react when the opponent attacks coming / arriving to the target, means there is a position adjacent to / docked with the opponent with speed and strength come / arrive attacks.

With state and thus will be more powerful position Silat movements are in anticipation of the break / lethal attack your opponent, because in essence this Silat Natal is utilizing as much as possible over the coming attack speed and strength of the opponent (system use opponent's power).

In anticipation of the opponent's attack, Silat Natal has THREE MOVEMENT PATTERNS:

FIRST: Move menggelek (mengelit) opponent's attack comes / until, at the same time lock / break the opponent's attack or directly attacking your opponent blocks towards the nearest target.

SECOND: Attacking at the same time coming / arriving opponent's attack while doing the movements of menggelek (mengelit).

THIRD: Preceding the attack / cutting the opponent's attack during the attack in a position half way or at the time of the attack the opponent movement (called a half shoreline movement).

above the third movement patterns, done with Duo step movement, step Tigo, steps and movements Ampek gelek (kelitan), of this movement are step Duo and gelek Christmas Silat FOUNDATIONS entire movement.


The movement consists of the forms of Silat Christmas UNITY AND UNITY MOTION MOTION BORN spiritual:

1. UNITY MOTION OF BIRTH: He is all forms of Silat movements physically Christmas.
2. UNITY inner MOTION:

Christmas All the kungfu motion carried on a feeling / instinct, where all movement was born TSB union movement together with the self (dikomandokan by the spiritual movement) so that the unity born of motion will be accomplished by reflexes and cultivate the self-remembrance bersangkutan. kehadirad GOD Almighty (for this level To achieve the level of mastery have unity of this spiritual movement with the persistence to practice, get used to the union movement was born Christmas Silat TSB to attain perfection and unity of this spiritual movement, in addition to endurance training is with the procedures separately) .-









D.1. Langkah Duo, Langkah Tigo, Langkah Ampek is the formation of standing / upright (kuda2 silat) in the moving steps in SilatNatals in principle foot should not be lifted, except in certain circumstances / forced is about + 5 cm lifted from the standing area and shifted step forward / horizontal right / left / backward with slide the feet.

So silat Natal in principle there is no kind of kick movements, except in emergencies (sitting position / fall), because at Silat Natal movements very prioritizes balance of motion and stability / robustness of each formation step (vertical) .-

Langkah Duo , as already explained above that the Langkah duo is one of the foundation of all motion Silat Natal starts from step one (Tagak Alif), Langkah Tigo continuation of the Langkah Duo called step manyerong and Langkah step into the area of the opponent / opponent's lethal resistance. -

D.2. Gelek (kelitan) is also the foundation Silat Natal movement which was instrumental in anticipating the opponent's attack and attack back (to neutralize the power attack that comes / until disasaran, such as the philosophy from Silat Natal: Nan Kanai sjadi sipi nan sipi jadi lapeh)

D.6.Malapeh/kuncian, in the Silat Natal possibility to get locked is very low, but still there is action to get out from enemy locking move.

Among Others:

1.Chance of arrest wrist / elbow : the movement to get off if caught right wrist, the right hand pushed forward and then withdrawn with a surprise left hand slapped hands with opponent hand who holds the hand, for elbow that being locked quickly and abruptly bent elbow pushed simultaneously with Langkah Ampek .-

2.Chance of terkungkuang (locked body) from behind , how to release it:

-With the shock threw the head towards the back / heel kick to opponent's foot to be accompanied by Langkah Duo than pull and smash your opponent's head forward.-

-With the sudden and strong move both hands straight up with propelling Langkah Duo, spun round with a one-one hand moves up and down a vertical rectangle with Langkah Ampek .-

3.Chance foot caught in time to kick your opponent in a sitting position / fall, quickly turning a mistake in one direction while Propel the foot towards the opponent / interesting as soon as possible and menyepai (trimming) the foot of the nearest opponent .-

D.7 falls (sepai / duduak), this movement is a movement in emergencies,

Possible when attacked in the state's position slipped and fell, then from the basic Langkah Duo falling position like a cat falls, an unanticipated opponent attacks accompanied systematis counterattack (depending on the circumstances) whether the movement of the opposite foot sepai menggunting / kick toward the belly / pubic opponent by seating position .-


To paralyze / dissable opponent attack, In general attacking is purpose for :

1. To the Heart

2.On chest area .-

3.To all limb joints .-

4.To both rib .-

5.To base of Throat .-

6.To second base of the ear .-

7.To Stomach/genital area.-